
GALAPAGOS 2010: Española’s Curious Hood Mockingbirds

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Aug 9, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin

The mockingbirds on Española are unique, to say the least. One of four mockingbird species in the Galapagos the Hood Mockingbird is specific to the island of Española.

They appear to be curious, however, they are actually begging for fresh water. Española has no fresh water other than the morning dew. What water they get is from what they eat… mostly insects and Lava Lizards.

In the above video the mockingbirds most likely see their own reflection in my camera lens. These birds are very territorial, not individually, but usually in what appear to be family groups. They are often seen feuding (as in the video below)!

During a previous trip, after some members of our group created “beach art” from shells and sticks found in the sand, two groups of Hood Mockingbirds fought over the masterpiece!

video and text © Kevin Loughlin


  1. WaterSky2010 on August 10, 2010 at 1:21 AM

    Great video.

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