
GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 1)

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Aug 25, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin

The rules in the Galapagos are changing (see post from March 2011), but the wildlife is as fun and exciting as ever! Even having been there more than a dozen times, I can’t wait to return. I get to go back again in October!

On this trip we visited the highlands of Santa Cruz on the afternoon of our arrival. It was cloudy but the weather held as we sauntered through the muddy fields in search of Giant Tortoises. They were not difficult to find! The domed backs of the ancient behemoths rose above the heliotrope, or sat like over-sized stepping stones in puddles of thick water.

As we walked we found Small Tree Finches (above), Galapagos Flycatchers, White-cheeked Pintails and Dark-billed Cuckoos. A Woodpecker Finch made a brief appearance for some to see… we would see others later in the trip.

A pair of Paint-billed Crakes made quick appearances, blending well with the muddy surroundings! Unfortunately the Galapagos Rail is rarely seen and did not come out for us.

We returned to our waiting yacht in time for a wonderful sunset before dinner. As we motored in the twilight, Magnificent Frigatebirds followed in hopes of an easy meal. Resting on various parts of the yacht, the birds offered excellent photo opportunities as well as entertainment!

Our adventure has only just begun…

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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