
GALAPAGOS: August 2011 (Part 12)

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Sep 3, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin

Sea lions, sharks and… pelicans? Every snorkeling trip offers its own surprises! Sea lions are regular visitors and we always look forward to their antics!

The colorful fish like this Blue-chinned Parrotfish are a bonus…

Seeing White-tipped Reef Sharks can be exhilarating. Galapagos Sharks even more exciting… and if we are lucky we might see a Hammerhead Shark, though they are more often seen in deeper water.

Penguins sometimes join us. However, the above image was a Brown Pelican that was swimming by! He was bookin’ so I only got a couple photos before he was too far to try again.

Before you know it our snorkeling time is done and we are off to our next adventure!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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