
Galapagos Islands July 2013 – Genovesa Island (Morning)

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Aug 6, 2013 | by Kevin Loughlin

Red-footed Boobies are plentiful on Genovesa with San Cristobal the only other location where a small number nest in these islands.


Known by local guides as ‘the bird island’, Genovesa offers nesting Red-footed Boobies, Great and Magnificent Frigatebirds, four species of finches, Yellow Warblers and so much more! The morning trail we took was fairly easy, except for one short section of lava rock. However, beyond that section the trail rises away from the nesting birds, so most of the group stayed in the area where the birds allowed for great images!


Red-footed Booby Chick

A Red-footed Booby Chick peers out from under mom.


Young red-footed Booby chicks were found. Many were still in downy feathers keeping warm under mom or dad, while a few were getting there more mature look and would soon be fledging.


Large Cactus Finch

The Large Cactus Finch is found only on Genovesa and Espanola.


Large Cactus Finches use their huge bills for cracking huge seeds other finches can’t manage.


Swallow-tailed Gull

Swallow-tailed Gulls are a beautiful bird. Note that when the eye is closed, the red eye-ring looks like an eyebrow and the pale feathers of the lower eyelid look like an eye!


Great Frigatebird female

Great Frigatebird females can be separated from Magnificent Frigatebirds by the red eyering vs a blue eyeing on the Magnificent.


Great Frigatebird juvenile

Great Frigatebird juveniles have a rusty head vs the white head of the Magnificent’s juvenile.


Galapagos Doves

Galapagos Doves are common on many of the islands.


The morning offered many great birds and photo opportunities… however, we were excited to explore the upper part of the island in the afternoon. Stay tuned!


photos and text by Kevin Loughlin