
Galapagos Islands July 2013 – Mosquera Island

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Aug 5, 2013 | by Kevin Loughlin
Galapagos Sea Lion

Galapagos Sea Lions are quite plentiful and make great subjects!


On arrival day in the Galapagos there we still have a few hours to enjoy our first landing on the islands. This trip, Mosquera Island (between Baltra and North Seymore) offered a great opportunity to get the cameras out and get to work on learning how to best photograph on the beaches and lava rocks. It also offered ample time to get the ‘snapshot effect’ drained from our systems. You know, how you just feel the need to photograph everything at once when visiting a new location!



Lava Gull on lava rock in the evening light with a dark ocean background made for a tricky exposure opportunity… using exposure compensation and under-exposing slightly created a great image of this beautiful bird.



Don’t ignore the shadows created by low-angle light… use them as part of the composition!



Get low to offer drama to any image. With living wildlife… get to the same eye-level as your subject to offer the most engaging images!

This was just the first day of our Galapagos adventure… so much more to come, so stay tuned!

Photo and text © Kevin Loughlin