
Geographical Society GEOFest

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Jul 25, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Liz Santaniello reports on GEOFest

This November, Kevin will be a featured speaker for the GEOFest sponsored by the Geographical Society of Philadelphia. The GEOFest is a new, week-long opportunity for people to learn more about the world.

Since 1891 the Geographical Society has been exploring the world and bringing it to the public with a focus on travel, exploration, and history. They present Magellan Circle events and a series of eight films and illustrated lectures. The Society also awards grants for polar exploration and research.

Kevin’s talk ACROSS THE HEMISPHERE will be on Thursday, November 10, 7:30pm at the Racquet Club of Philadelphia, 215 South 16th Street.

I hope to see you there!

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