
Grand Tetons Spring 2012: Day 1 (evening)

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Jun 19, 2012 | by Kevin Loughlin
Bufflehead female in the Snake River

After a late morning brunch we returned to our lodge to download the morning’s images. We had some siesta time before a late afternoon departure when we picked up some sandwiches from the local deli and headed out to a quiet spot along the Snake River. Along the far shore we saw a pair of Common Mergansers, a beaver and a Mallard family. I was enjoying the reflections when a female Bufflehead made her way through them, allowing a few quick images.

Canada Geese in Grand Teton’s reflection in Jackson Lake

After our picnic we headed up to Jackson Lake to enjoy the evening show. Here we found some geese drifting in Grand Teton’s reflection as we waited for the golden light.

Getting ready to photograph the sunset light.

We gained our positions in anticipation of the evening show…

Sticky Geraniums, Jackson Lake and the Tetons.

As luck would have it, we had to find color in the foreground rather than the sky on this evening.

Post-sunset twilight glow.

Our beautiful clear skies gave way to some nice white clouds that never gained the expected alpenglow. Nature has its own terms… so we take what she offers!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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