
Grand Tetons Spring 2012: Day 1 (morning)

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Jun 19, 2012 | by Kevin Loughlin
The Grand Teton with Mule’s Ear flowers.

Our Spring Grand Tetons trip is done and I am barely rested from my drive back home (no time to blog about that yet either). The trip was a lot of fun with great participants eager to get into the field each day… though often looking forward to an afternoon nap. Our day typically began before dawn and ended after sunset, which in the northern part of the country this can be a long period of time.

Jared showing how to get the low-angle image to add interest.

Bright Mule’s Ear flowers often added a splash of color to our landscape images. Notice also, the pre-dawn alpenglow on the mountains.

We wished for some clouds in the sky, but it was a beautiful clear day!

The mornings were usually chilly, one day as low as 28 F! But we pressed on creating images in the early light.

A panoramic with 4 vertical images at about 50mm, stitched in photoshop.

The Tetons are not only rich in wildlife and geology, but also in history. This is one of the remaining Mormon barns along “Mormon Row.”

An HDR black-and-white conversion.

The landscape lends itself well to black-and-white images, too.

Ground squirrels are quite plentiful… and often comical.

 Several species of Ground Squirrel offered fun photo opps between finding the bigger wildlife.

We had many opportunities to photograph bison!

The Bison were plentiful as well… keep an eye on the tail to know if they are feeling threatened, and never approach the wildlife… this is their territory!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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