
MAGEE MARSH: The Biggest Week in American Birding

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May 10, 2010 | by Adrian Binns

Ann Hannon, from San Diego Audubon Society, and I are on the shores of Lake Erie in the Northwestern region of Ohio, for The Biggest Week in American Birding.

This is an event hosted by Black Swamp Bird Observatory, from May 7-16, that is centered around Magee Marsh, Crane Creek and Ottawa NWR, in what is billed as the Warbler Capital of the World during spring migration.

As we both flew into Detroit, from opposite coasts, we were not able to get much birding in before dark. Following an hour-and-a-half drive, a few minutes at the famed Magee Marsh certainly gave us a taste of what may be to come!

A brilliant male Baltimore Oriole (above) feeding on an orange on the edge of the car park was soon joined by a young male, before being chased away by a Common Grackle. Above them a tree held a couple of Palm Warblers, Black-and-white Warbler, Warbling Vireo and Brown Creeper. What will tomorrow bring?

all photos © adrian binns

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