
Mexico: Land of Color

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Feb 24, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin
A church along the main road to Tlalpujua.

Mexico is a land of wonderful color. Although we were there for the Monarch Butterflies and the many species of birds, there was no driving passed any photo opportunity. The many and varied churches made for some great studies in color and texture.

A church off the main highway near a waterfowl-filled lake.

Our first full day in Mexico went from sunny blue skies, to cloudy with chance of rain and back to sunny again as we drove over and through the mountains west of Mexico City. Along with our birding stop at a local lake full of waterfowl, a stop to photograph the town of Santa Rosa and it’s church added to the flavor of Mexico.

The cathedral in Tlalpujua.

The huge cathedral in Tlalpujua hosted colorful celebrations late into the night during our stay in the “Pueblo Magico” as it was holy week. Though the busy streets did not distract us from our main goal of seeing the Monarchs on their wintering grounds, we did take some additional opportunity to enjoy the shows (more on that in a future post…)

text and photos © Kevin Loughlin

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