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Apr 30, 2011 | by Adrian Binns
This morning’s banding at Rushton Farm in Chester County, PA netted us several colorful local breeders.

Wood Thrush (above) is a unaminous favorite with its rusty head, striking spots and beautiful song that we could hear him singing from the woods. They have just returned to their breeding grounds, after having spent the winter in Central America.

We caught several male Common Yellowthroats (above), whose yellow throat patch looks more brilliant up close than I recall seeing in the field. The females have yet to arrive, but it is likely these individuals will be breeding here. Of course, this can only be confirmed if the banded birds are recaptured later in the season.

Two nest boxes were placed close to our banding platform and already House Wrens (above) are vying over these prime spots on the farm! This photo shows the beautiful barred pattern of the wings and tail.

It was a treat to catch two White-breasted Nuthatches (above), male and female. Note, the upturned bill charcteristic of nuthtaches, and the very black head indicating it is a male.

all photos © adrian binns

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