
Off to Puerto Rico… again!

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Jan 5, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Puerto Rican Spindalis

The Puerto Rican Spindalis is one of 17 endemic species we will seek on our two trips to Puerto Rico this month. I write this from the Philadelphia International Airport as Tour #1 starts tomorrow!

Our first trip will be the same as our trip on which the above photo was taken… our 5-day Endemic Dash. Covering all of Puerto Rico we will seek the 17 endemics plus many Caribbean specialties.

Trip #2 which starts on January 11 is a bit longer and adds a bit of Puerto Rican history as well as a quick trip the Vieques, the small island off the eastern shore of PR. Vieques is the location of what is considered the best Bioluminescent Bay in the world! We we have the opportunity to swim in the electric blue glow as well as bird on the small island.

I hope to get all trip reports up soon after I return!

photo and text © Kevin Loughlin

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