
PERU 2010 – Part 18: Puerto Maldonado

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Jan 31, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin

Sadly we had to depart the Manu Wildlife Center. No matter how much time is spent there, it never seems to be enough! However, the river summoned and we were off! We made our way downriver to a small “ferry crossing” where we found this pick-up being transported across.

All the small ‘peka-pekas’ were line up ready for use. Their name is derived from the sound the lawnmower-like engine makes as they travel upriver.

After reaching our next transport, another comfortable expedition bus, we birded through the rainy day along the road, finding a pair of Brazilian Teal in a roadside pond.

Little Woodpecker

The following morning near Puerto Maldonado we birded our way to the airport. We found many more wonderful birds and butterflies along the dirt roads.

Dusky-headed Parakeets
Eighty-Eight (Callicore sp.)
Pyrisitia sp.(?)
Yellow-browed Tody Flycatcher

After a fun morning we unfortunately needed to run off the the airport for the standard “hurry up and wait” session for our flight back to Cusco. We were on our way to the pride of Peru… the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin

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