
PERU 2010 – Part 6: More Birding on the Manu Road

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Dec 8, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin
Lancolated Monklet
As we watched butterflies puddling in the road, I heard the faint, high-pitched tseeee of the Lancolated Monklet behind me. A brief scan of a nearby tree produced three of these beautiful little puffbirds. 

Hauxwell’s Thrush
Much more recognizable, the song of this Hauxwell’s Thrush drew us to another tree where we got stunning views of this plain brown bird. Photographing it was another story… each time he perched it was in a not-so-great position with many branches and twigs in the way!
Booted Racquet-tail

Hummingbirds at this elevation were quite regular, and one of the prizes were the few Booted Racquet-tails that preferred to stay on the forest edge.

Breakfast along the Manu Road

A welcome stop for pancakes and ham was no less bird-filled. No one had time to sit as we kept hearing and seeing so much!

Crested Quetzal

We eventually heard one of our hoped for targets… the Crested Quetzal. It was pretty far down the mountainside, but we were patient and first a female showed herself… then the male (above) joined her!

Cinnamon Flycatcher

Cinnamon Flycatchers were quite common along the road at the upper elevations. Their buzzy call attracting our looks as we walked, a few posed well for the camera!

Smoke-colored Peewee

As we began our return down the mountain toward the lodge, we noticed a distant Smoke-colored Peewee. As we watched through our binoculars, it flew into a closer branch… and into a nest!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin


  1. WaterSky2010 on December 9, 2010 at 12:48 AM

    There are many great birds in Peru!!! 😀

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