
PERU 2010 – Part 9: A Tapir Moment

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Dec 22, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin
Sunrise in the Amazon Basin can be spectacular… sunrise with a Brazilian Tapir only adds to the brilliance!

This is a wild Brazilian Tapir that became acclimated to humans during a stint at the Manu Wildlife Center (MWC). After one particular heavy rainfall, the flooded river was carrying much forest debris to uncertain destinations. Riding atop a floating mat of trees was a juvenile tapir which the MWC staff rescued.

The young tapir had no mother to care for it and was certainly not able to survive on her own so the staff cared for her but never penned her. As she reached adulthood she wandered off into the forest and disappeared. All hoped for the best.

Many months later a tapir with a baby wandered into the MWC grounds… she was back, healthy, and a new mother! Since then she returns on her own every few months in search of a few apples or other treats. She stays for only a short while before vanishing into the forest again.

On this trip we were very fortunate to be up so early (before sunrise) to meet her!

photos & text © Kevin Loughlin

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