
PERU 2011: Huacarpay Lakes

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Dec 13, 2011 | by Kevin Loughlin
Huacarpay Lakes Region

After a mid-morning flight to Cusco we meandered in our bus to the Huacarpay Lakes Region. This high-elevation wetland (9000-10000 ft) offers great waterfowl, passerines and even a few good raptors!

Andean Teal
Andean Teal and Cinnamon Teal are regular sights here, as are Andean (Ruddy) Ducks and Puna Ibis. After hearing the Plumbeous Rail call for awhile, we finally saw them, with good scope views!
Cinereous Harrier

While watching the rails, a Cinereous Harrier flew briefly overhead before diving out of site over the distant reeds.

Spot-billed Ground Tyrant

Spot-billed and Rufous-naped Ground Tyrants fed in the farmer’s fields at the edge of the wetlands, where we also spotted Yellow-shouldered Blackbirds while listening to Wren-like Rushbirds.

Bare-faced Ground Doves

Walking along the rocky cliff edges above the lakes, we were able to get great views of Bare-faced Ground Doves before the waning sun sent us back to Cusco for dinner.

Photo and text © Kevin Loughlin

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