
PERU: Andes to Amazon ~ Day 8 (late Morning)

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Nov 5, 2009 | by Kevin Loughlin

The canopy tower above Cocha Comungo Lake (on which we had spent the morning) offers incredible panoramaic views of the Peruvian Amazon forest. It also offered wonderful vews of many bird species difficult to view from the forest floor.

The climb to the top is not for the faint of heart… the steps zig-zag high into the canopy alongside the ceiba tree on which the platform was constructed.

But once at the top the sturdy platform offers plenty of room for scopes and cameras. The 360 degree view from the ceiba tree branches allows us to see into the surrounding tree tops. However, many birds come right into the ceiba tree for close observation and photography.

Many toucan species, including this Lettered Aracari, named for the markings on the bill, feed in the nearby fruiting trees.

This Lineated Woodcreeper (one of the few ‘plain-headed’ woodcreepers found in the canopy) offered a brief appearance.

Troupials, obviously related to orioles, offered a splash of color as it search for insects in the leaves.

As did this Turquoise Tanager. Only briefly appearing from behind the leaves that hid it so well.

The star of the canopy tower for the day was definitely this Paradise Tanager… a patchwork of bright colors!

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin


  1. Johnny Nutcase on November 15, 2009 at 1:58 AM

    Wow, that Paradise Tanager is something else! Very cool! Like the Peru birds and monkeys! I was recently updating my blog ( on a Costa Rica trip from early this year and yours reminded me of it!

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