
This turkey made it through!

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Nov 26, 2009 | by Kevin Loughlin
The Ocellated Turkey of Central America was a staple food in the diet of the Mayans and are difficult to find in some areas. However, here at the ruins of Tikal in Guatemala they are quite plentiful! (You can hear the howler monkeys in the background.)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day! Mine was, as usual, very filling! Mom did it up big yet again, and we have plenty of leftovers even after nine hungry people fed like vultures on a cold winter’s day.

Tomorrow morning is to be cold, wet and windy… however, I will be manning the Rose Tree Park Hawk Watch as the official counter for the morning. Why did I volunteer for that duty? Well, who knew it was going to be a nasty day. I’ll be there rain or shine, as the other counters, more dedicated than I, have been there every day since August 30.

I have visited the RTP hawk watch a few times this year, but this will be my only “official” volunteer day thanks to this year’s travel schedule and other business opportunities. We’ll see what I have to report!

video and text by Kevin Loughlin

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