
VERACRUZ 2014: Day 8 – Raptors Close Overhead

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Nov 30, 2014 | by Adrian Binns

Day 8 / Oct 9:  Villa Rica; Quiahuiztlan; Cardel; Chichicaxtle

Cathie, Tom and Vera birding road to Villa Rica

Cathie, Tom and Vera birding road to Villa Rica


We started early this morning, heading up the coast to Villa Rica. Away from the highway, the quiet road was lined with pastures, mangroves and forest patches, hosting a variety of interesting birds including a close Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl and Common Black Hawk.


Muscovy Duck

Muscovy Duck


In the village, a patch of accessible wetlands showcased Northern Jacanas, a family of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, and Muscovy Ducks.





Afterwards, we drove to the nearby hilltop site of Quiahuiztlan, where Totonac burial tombs rest on the side of a majestic basaltic stack which towers above the edge of the gulf. The birds are as stunning as the views, as local species forage among vegetation, and raptors often circle close overhead. The “Veracruz” Rufous-naped Wren showed well, along with animated groups of Montezuma Oropendolas.


Swainson's and Broad-winged Hawks

Swainson’s and Broad-winged Hawks


We were awed by the spectacle of thousands of Swainson’s and Broad-winged Hawks circling just above our heads, as the relatively-cool morning air kept the birds close to the coast.


Turkey Vultures

Turkey Vultures


Large groups of Turkey Vultures joined the kettle – these will dominate the flight in a week or so, after the majority of hawks have passed through. We enjoyed great looks at an uncommon dark-morph Broad-winged Hawk. We counted 20 migrant Peregrine Falcons moving through, a number that easily surpassed Tom’s ‘Peregrine Falcon Big Day’ in Pennsylvania!


Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon


Back in Cardel, we relished a refreshing lunch then headed out for our last day of hawk watching at Chichicaxtle. Sunny blue skies provided excellent backdrop for another memorable flight of raptors, American White Pelicans, and Wood Storks. We made friends with young local hawk-watchers, bonding over a common love of birds. Shouts of delight were heard as raptor kettles dropped lower in the cooler afternoon air, giving even closer views.


Aplomado Falcon

Aplomado Falcon


One of the last birds of the day was an Aplomado Falcon, garnering a collective gasp of joy as it swooped through nearby fields at top speed. It was a fitting end to a spectacular week experiencing the River of Raptors in Veracruz!

– Robert Straub

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