
Walk for Wildlife and the BIG SIT

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Oct 7, 2010 | by Adrian Binns

This Sunday Oct 10th, a WALK for WILDLIFE is being held at the John Heinz NWR at Tinicum, Philadelphia. From 9am to 1pm we will be raising funds to support our fellow refuges affected by the oil spill along the Gulf.

T-shirts, light refreshments, and door prizes are all part of the fun. The following items have been generously donated and are included with your registration and donation.

The American Birding Association’s (ABA) latest publication “Let’s Go Birding!”

Wild Bird magazine’s Birds of Prey issue. 

Wildside Nature Tours has donated a pair of Nikon binoculars as a door prize. 

Other door prizes include a field guide to birds of North America, 
John Heinz NWR sweatshirt and Nikon accessories.

Come out and enjoy a beautiful day at this wonderful refuge within our city limits.  Also stop by the observation platform where a team of dedicated birders are doing The BIG SIT. This is an annual, national event that features groups of birders stationed in one 17-foot diameter “circle” to observe as many bird species as possible in 24 hours. The Heinz refuge group will be birding from dawn to dusk – stop by and help us find more birds!

I will also hold a PA Young Birders workshop at the observation platform in the afternoon on “How to use a Spotting Scope.”  The forecast is calling for an absolutely gorgeous day, so please come out and join us, say hello, enjoy everything the refuge has to offer, and support a wonderful cause. I look forward to seeing you this sunday.

all photos © adrian binns

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