
Where would you go if… ?

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May 20, 2013 | by Kevin Loughlin

moon-&-venus-daybreak-over-the-sahara-BINNS-IMG_6842-copySo many places to go, so little time to spare. How do you decide your next “once in a life time trip” destination?

Some people have this whole travel thing down. During their flight home from one adventure they are planning their next. Much of America has only two weeks a year to look forward to having the time of their life, so planning becomes a big part of the total adventure… as it should be. Anticipation is part of the fun of the complete package!

Deciding where to go may have many driving forces. What are your interests? How much time do you have? Where have you already been? What level of activity do you want?

As this is Wildside’s 20th Anniversary Year, I will tell you my side of the story…

August 6, 1968 I woke to a snow storm in Grand Tetons National Park. Two weeks earlier we had celebrated my 6th birthday with cupcakes and a half gallon of ice cream that had to be eaten by our family of five before it melted. By the time I was 10 years old I had visited all of the lower 48 states and most of Canada, plus a brief day in northern Mexico. I was fortunate to have parents who love to camp and, although on a budget, we enjoyed as many of the US National Parks and Canadian Provinces as we could during many 4-week summer adventures over the years.

Over the years I re-visited many of these great parks plus other wonderful wilderness areas for hiking, backpacking, birding and photography. On my 30th birthday I was backpacking through the Tetons again and it was that moment that my life was about to change course. On that day I decided it was time to get a passport and begin exploring the world beyond North America. But where should I go?

My destination decision was influenced greatly by friends who convinced me that Belize would be the perfect destination. Belize is easy to get to with just two short flights. Belize is English-speaking, too, which certainly helps. I decided that it would be perfect. It was. In fact, I fell in love with the country, its people, and especially the wildlife! By the end of my two week trip, I had decided I needed to share Belize with more people. When I returned home I founded Wildside Nature Tours and 8-months later I was leading my first trip to Belize! I soon quit my job and here I am, 20 years later, helping others find adventure!

For me, the choice was simple… close and English speaking, with lots of wildlife. I even saw a black Jaguar on that first trip to Belize. Now that was a black cat full of good luck! Soon after Wildside was underway, our clients began requesting more destinations. Costa Rica was a logical next location. Then Panama. Then Ecuador with 130 species of hummingbirds, and the Galapagos Islands. Wow, the Galapagos. I had wanted to go there since I was 8 years old. After so many years of building the pedestal higher and higher, my first visit to the Galapagos made me realize that the pedestal was still not yet high enough! After exploring these islands on 15+ tours, I still turn into that same kid that from long ago… excited to discover anything and everything!

When Adrian Binns joined Wildside around 2005, the expansion added Africa, Europe and Asia (India) to the schedule. Since then we have added Antarctica and Australia to include every continent! Antarctica was another of my ‘bucket list’ locations. Why? The allure of a place so difficult to get to can be a driving force for many vacation choices. FInding unique creatures found no where else is also exciting. Crossing the Drake Passage can be a challenge if the winds are high… so there could be some fun stories to tell. I enjoy telling a few myself!

So what are your desires? What habitats pique your interest? What do you want to see? Bears, lions, tigers, quetzals, condors or hummingbirds? Do you hate the cold weather and love tropical sunsets? Do you enjoy mountains or oceans or deserts? Do you prefer easy, laid back trips with little walking or can you handle more rigorous activity? All these things should be considered in your quest for the next adventure!