
Wood Ducks are Pairing Up

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Apr 5, 2010 | by Adrian Binns

A belated Happy Easter!   I do not have a bunny for you,  but rather the most beautiful of all our waterfowl.

Wood Ducks have been pairing up (above, male -left, female -right) along the Wissahickon River in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. In a section of river near the Valley Green Inn, presently the males outnumber the females. This has lead to aggressive behavior between males as they via for the attention of a females. When a male appears to have secured the commitment of a female, he never leaves her side, chases any approaching suitor that comes within four feet. Their actions included much head bobbing and calling – which is a high pitched squeaking.

Normally skittish, the Wood Ducks were surprising at ease considering the hordes of people walking, jogging, biking, fishing along this popular park trail on this beautiful holiday weekend.

Wood Ducks are cavity nesters that will readily utilize man-made nest boxes, and not surprising most of the these birds were hanging out near a box that was hung on tree trunk along the river bank.

all photos © adrian binns

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