OHIO MICHIGAN Prothonotary Warbler 2000x BINNS D64A8196 copy

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May 15, 2020 | by Adrian Binns

Spring is a spectacular season for birders and photographers. We get to admire a great variety of colourful species, including many that have flown thousands of miles on a mission to their breeding grounds. For the last decade I, along with the whole Wildside Nature Tours team, have enjoyed the spectacle of spring migration from northeast Ohio, at The Biggest Week in American Birding. The festival is cancelled this year due to Covid-19, and we miss seeing old friends, making new ones, and sharing the immense joys that emerge from one small patch of lakeshore woodlands. But the birds migrate regardless, moving through the treetops, alighting a few feet from the famed Magee Marsh boardwalk, pausing to rest and refuel before leaping across Lake Erie. I’ve enjoyed countless ‘Biggest Week’ sightings over the years, and it’s hard to choose favorites, but I’ll share a few of mine below. I hope you’re staying safe, and finding time to look up for spring migration near you!

Scarlet Tanager

Eastern Whip-poor-will

Philadelphia Vireo

American Woodcock

Baltimore Oriole

Olive-sided Flycatcher

Blackburnian Warbler

Swainson’s Thrush


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