
GALAPAGOS 2010: Santa Cruz

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Aug 13, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin

Santa Cruz Island is hope to the Darwin Station, a research center dedicated to preserving the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands. Here they have a Giant Tortoise breeding program that raises tortoises to be introduced back to their respective genetic home island. The well known resident, Lonesome George, can be seen in his huge enclosure, along with a few females with which he has yet to produce any offspring. He is still considered the last of his kind from the island of Pinta.

Several species of Darwin’s Finches can be found throughout the property of the station. Most common are the Small Ground Finches above.

The station property is probably the best area to find the Common Cactus Finch!

The nearby fish market attracts a crowd of hungry pelicans waiting for handouts!

An afternoon in the highlands of Santa Cruz allows us to witness the Giant Tortoises of the ‘domed shell’ variety in the wild! With no enclosures the tortoises wander from farm to farm grazing the tender grasses. The farmers do have fences for their livestock, however, the bottom wires are left high enough for the wild residents to pass beneath.

 Just before darkness, we enjoyed a walk through a huge lava tube. Beginning in the mountains, it leads to the sea… although not completely passable along its full length, their are large sections open for exploration.

text and photos © Kevin Loughlin

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