
Florida – Day 2

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Jan 25, 2016 | by Greg Miller
Red-shouldered Hawk on snag - Viera Wetlands - FL - 2016-01-25

Red-shouldered Hawk on snag – Viera Wetlands – FL – 2016-01-25


Day 2, January 25, 2016, was our first full day of birding. And what a day it was! We birded the Space Coast area of Florida from Melbourne to Daytona Beach Shores. We ended the day with an unofficial tally of 95 species. And we added an additional 31 species to the year total bring the Big Year number up to 239!

Highlights today were many. We were surprised on our very first stop this morning with a calling King Rail at Viera Wetlands! We had both American and Least Bitterns, too. Florida Scrub-Jays were very accommodating at Helen and Allan Cruickshank Sanctuary. Black Skimmers seemed unafraid of visitors at Parrish Park on the causeway out to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Near the entrance to the wildlife drive we encountered two Reddish Egrets canopy-feeding. It was a delight to see. At a local feeder we were treated to views of multiple Painted Buntings. And we finished the day with gull fly-in at Frank Rendon Park where the highlight for me was watching a Parasitic Jaeger chase a gull for an extended time.

Zonkered tired this evening. Tomorrow is a long day down through the center of the State. Stay tuned…


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