Pacific Northwest – Day 2
Oct 11, 2016 | by Greg Miller
Seeing the evening glow on Mt. Rainier in the far distance was really special this evening! What a treat! And a bit of a rarity considering it was a CLEAR evening near Seattle! We visited Gog-Le-Hi-Te Mitigated Wetlands this morning, then the 11th St bridge, then back again. We got both Lapland Longspur and the Slaty-backed Gull. And Golden-crowned Sparrows were in good supply.
In the afternoon we visited Theler Wetlands. Although pretty, it was pretty slow today. Although evidence of sapsuckers existed on the trees–the wholes bored into the tree formed a horizontal row in the tree bark. But we dipped on getting the Red-breasted Sapsucker.
We ended the day with magnificent views at Point No Point near the lighthouse. Good birds were present but not anything new for our Big Year. We enjoyed the birds in front of us as well as seeing the majestic form of Mt. Rainier in the distance (about 100 miles!).
Our bird count now stands at a whopping 512 species of birds. And tomorrow we are headed west to the northwesternmost point in the Lower 48 States. Who know what we’ll turn up. But we are going to have a great time!