Florida Bird & Photo Fest
Florida Bird and Photo Fest — April 24 – 28, 2024
Every April Wildside’s owner, Kevin Loughlin, heads to St. Augustine to man the Wildside booth and teach a few photo workshops.
Florida’s Historic Coast is spreading its wings to present another great year of birding and outdoor photography.
The next Birding & Photo Fest will feature the return of festival favorites, world-class photographers along with new professionals and instructors who will offer technical training opportunities and more birding in-field programs than ever before.
As always, festival participants will benefit from insights and instruction from a collection of upper echelon international nature and wildlife photographers — a group that continues to solidify Florida’s Birding & Photo Fest as one of the premier events in North America. And of course the community of St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra and all of Florida’s Historic Coast is welcoming bird lovers and photography aficionados with the friendly hospitality you’ve come to expect.
To learn more visit: http://www.floridasbirdingandphotofest.com