Jun 6, 2020 | by Kevin Loughlin
Wildside is a family, and the work we do together is joyful. When we are together, in person or online, we share laughter, celebration, and that feeling of awe for all the places we visit and the beautiful birds we see.
The past few weeks, however, we have shared tears, heartbreak and outrage. We have been reminded that some members of our Wildside family, both leaders and travelers, may not be safe while enjoying nature, out birding or taking photos, walking down the street, or sleeping in their own homes. This cannot be!
Christian Cooper, a member of our birding community, should not have had his life threatened while outside enjoying his passion. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery should still be alive.
Wildside Nature Tours has always been committed to diversity and inclusion in our business and our tours. However, we recognize that more needs to be done to ensure that our family members of color—our guides, our participants, our friends—are safe to freely enjoy the natural world. Free to be outside.
We realize that there is much work to be done and that it will not always be joyful… but it will always be right. Wildside Nature Tours is committed to act against the racism in the world, rather than only react when an incident makes the news. This is work that we all must do now. We encourage everyone to do the same. Listen, learn, reflect, support, and work to make the world safe for everyone.
Black Lives Matter.
—The Wildside Family