A Galaxy of Falcons


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Dec 29, 2018 | by Kevin Loughlin

The title above accurately describes what was witnessed in the fall of 2017, and is the title of Scott Weidensaul’s article in the recently released summer edition of Cornell University’s LIVING BIRD MAGAZINE.

In October 2017, Wildside’s owner, Kevin Loughlin, was joined by author Scott Weidensaul, artist Catherine Hamilton and friends Peter Trueblood and Bruce Evans on this life altering odyssey to India’s remote state of Nagaland.

Images by Kevin Loughlin are highlighted in Scott’s fantastic article which can be found online at ALL ABOUT BIRDS: A GALAXY OF FALCONS, along with photos by local photographer, Ramki Sreenivasan.

Once you have read the article you may want to join Scott and Kevin, who will be returning to lead a tour to Nagaland in 2019. Please visit our NAGALAND: AMUR FALCON MIGRATION SPECTACLE tour page to learn more and to register for either of these amazing opportunities!

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