Dec 28, 2019 | by
Join Wildside Nature Tours at the 23rd Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival, in Titusville, FL – January 22-27 2020!
The Space Coast in January is one of our favorite places to be. It offers a wealth of wintering shorebirds, and plenty of regional specialties to enjoy. The birding is always fun and opportunities for fantastic photography abound.
Catherine Hamilton and Greg Miller are keynote speakers at the event this year. Catherine will be sharing her adventures in Nagaland with the Amur Falcons, while Greg will be presenting “his” film, The Big Year (the inspiration for our series of Big Year tours). Kevin Loughlin will be offering a spotlight on traveling to the Galapagos.
Kevin worked with the festival organizers to present a complete schedule of photography classes and workshops this year, which features many fantastic instructors. Among them are photographers who work with Wildside regularly, including Lee Hoy, Joe Brady, and Rob Knight.
Field trips are always a highlight of this festival, and Chris Brown, Alex Lamoreaux, and Gabriel Lugo will be leading trips throughout.
Be sure to stop by our booth to say hello to Kevin, Sally Ingraham, and the rest of our team!