
PERU 2010 – Part 3: The High Andes and Manu Road

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Nov 7, 2010 | by Kevin Loughlin
Bar-winged Cinclodes

As we began our drive along the Manu Road, high in the Andes, we passed many wonderful scenes. The birds seemed scarce for a while until we came across a Bar-winged Cinclodes blending into the roadside. He was vibrating his wings in a display and we eventually saw another cinclodes watching from a short distance away. We enjoyed the show for a short while before continuing on.

Andean Flicker

As we crossed over the pass at about 13,000 feet, we began our descent down the eastern slope toward the Amazon Basin. Andean Flickers could be heard in the distance and a couple finally showed themselves on the crest of the hillside above us.

Chestnut-breasted Mountain-finch

Our stop for the flickers netted us a hoped for Peruvian endemic, a Chestnut-breasted Mountain-finch! It posed only briefly, for binoculars and cameras before it flew off suddenly.

Mountain Caracara

The Mountain Caracara that flew over us most likely scared off the mountain-finch.

Shining Sunbeam

We stopped as we entered the official “Manu Reserve” and were treated to a few Shining Sunbeams feeding on tiny purple flowers. Many other birds were about as well including Great Thrush, Moustached and Black-throated Flowerpiercers.

Red-crested Cotinga

As we entered the upper reaches of the cloud forest we found a Red-crested Cotinga that perched for quite a while.

The Manu Road winds, seemingly endlessly, down the mountainsides toward the Madre de Dios River.

Variable Hawk

A Variable Hawk slid effortlessly over our bus and disappeared beyond the next ridge as we neared the end of our day’s journey…

photos and text © Kevin Loughlin


  1. WaterSky2010 on November 7, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    1)When are you reaching the top of the Andes Mountains??? 2)Kevin, did you make any blog post during September and October? 3)Great pics and love your great adventures so far!!! 🙂

  2. Kevin Loughlin on November 8, 2010 at 9:44 AM

    Hi Watersky-
    I just updated the post… we crossed the pass at about 13,000 feet before starting our descent. That is as high as we got. Though at the end of our adventure we went back to the mountains to visit Machu Picchu… stay tuned!

    I did not do many posts in Sept/Oct due to my travel schedule, Adrian did most… but I will be around until mid-December and Adrian is now traveling in India!

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