World Wildlife Day: “Do one thing today”

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Mar 3, 2020 | by

Spruce Grouse, Minnesota, USA – photograph by Alex Lamoreaux

March 3rd is World Wildlife Day! Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013, the theme this year is “Sustaining All Life On Earth”.

Here on the Wildside we enjoy the great privilege of traveling the world in search of wonder. We have observed and admired countless species of fauna and flora. We continually witness and are awed by the incredible biodiversity of the planet.

Our travels help us learn more about the connections between all elements of the biosphere. We recognize our responsibility to help protect the beautiful and varied plants and animals we have encountered.

The President of the UNGA asked for this pledge, and it is one we take to heart and hope you will too – together we will “strive for a future where sustainable use of biodiversity and strengthened conservation efforts help us build a better world for all. I ask you to “do one thing today” to take action to help conserve wildlife, and ensure its continued use is sustainable.

On World Wildlife Day we will celebrate the precious and wondrous creatures of our planet!

Jabiru Stork, Pantanal, Brazil – photograph by Adrian Binns

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