World Rainforest Day 2020
Jun 24, 2020 | by
The “lungs of the earth” circle the globe, forming a green belt at the equator. Tropical rainforests in Central and South America, Africa, Southern Asia, and Australia cover about 6% of the planet. This may not seem like much. Yet within these incredible forests live over half the species of plants and animals found in the world.

The flooded forest of the Amazon river basin, the world’s largest tropical rainforest, Peru – photo by Sal Ingraham
Beyond providing unique habitat for so many living creatures, the tropical rainforest has another vitally important function. The trees of the forest absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide and release the oxygen that we all need to survive. The rainforests are essential for stabilizing the Earth’s climate.
The beautiful tropical rainforests also help to maintain the world’s water cycle. Through the process of transpiration (which creates clouds) they help add water to the atmosphere. It is believed that moisture generated by the forests in Africa can end up falling as rain in the Americas…!
While the rainforest continues to gives so much to us freely (including many of our modern medicines), governments and corporations repay the favor with destruction. In the last century, over half of the worlds tropical rainforests have perished, in order to feed human consumption and population demands.
Initiatives like World Rainforest Day (June 22nd) help bring awareness to the plight of the rainforest. They ask, “Who will save the rainforest, if not you?” Check out the project page to learn ways you can help.
A Wildside Look at Rainforests of the World

A tree planted in Peru by Wildside clients – photo by Sal Ingraham
We have been privileged to visit many of the rainforests found on earth. The exquisite beauty of the land and wildlife draws us, like no other place. We love to share this world with our clients and friends, but beyond that, we understand how important it is for people to experience the rainforest firsthand.
Once you have seen this amazing world, it cannot be forgotten or ignored. Once you have planted a tree in the soil of the Amazon, that dirt is on your hands forever.
Enjoy a virtual encounter with some of the creatures of the rainforest, and help us celebrate this vibrant and vital place. Join us in the “jungle” sometime soon!
Central America

Resplendent Quetzal, Costa Rica – photograph by Kevin Loughlin

Poison Dart Frog, Panama – photograph by Kevin Loughlin

Margay, Honduras – photograph by Kevin Loughlin

Black-headed Trogon, Belize – photograph by Glenn Crawford
South America

Caped Heron, Peruvian Amazon – photograph by Kevin Loughlin

Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, Peruvian Amazon – photograph by Kevin Loughlin

Pygmy Marmoset, Peruvian Amazon – photograph by Kevin Loughlin

Red-headed Barbet, Ecuador – photograph by Edison Buenaño

Jocotoco Antpitta, Ecuador – photograph by Edison Buenaño

Blue-naped Chlorophonia, Santa Marta, Colombia – photograph by Edison Buenaño

Chestnut-Collared Aracari, Brazil – photograph by Adrian Binns
Central Africa (Congo)

Young Gorilla, Rwanda – photograph by Adrian Binns

Chimpanzee, Rwanda – photograph by Adrian Binns

Orange-bellied Leafbird, India – photograph by Adrian Binns

Coppersmith, India – photograph by Adrian Binns
Sri Lanka

Asian Paradise Flycatcher, Sri Lanka – photograph by Adrian Binns

Sinharaja Rainforest, the last virgin tropical rainforest in Sri Lanka – photograph by Adrian Binns

Australian King Parrot – photograph by Adrian Binns

Blue-winged Kookaburra, Australia – photograph by Adrian Binns