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Dec 24, 2020 | by Adrian Binns

From all of us at Wildside Nature Tours we wish you Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year.

We look forward to traveling in 2021 and hope that you will join us.



Top left to right – Mt. Kilimanjaro Two-horned Chameleon (Tanzania/AB); Pallid Harrier (Tanzania/AB); Bank Myna (India/AB)

Center clockwise from upper left – Black-fronted Nunbird (Amazon/KL); Green Violetear (Costa Rica/KL); Common Jester (India/AB); Great Gray Owl (Minnesota/CB); Great Thick-knee (India/AB); Glass Frog (Costa Rica/KL); Indian Roller (India/AB); Common Eider (Massachusetts/CB); Bengal Tiger (India/AB); River Otter (Yellowstone/KL); Elephant (Kenya/AB)

Bottom left to right – Pale-billed Woodpecker (Belize/GC); WNT group (Hawaii/CB); Heermann’s Gull (California/AL)

Photo credits:

AB – Adrian Binns; AL – Alex Lamoreaux; CB – Chris Brown; GC – Glen Crawford; KL – Kevin Loughlin

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